Neidio i’r llywio Neidio i’r cynnwys Neidio i’r troedyn

Stand up for equality strategy 2015 - 20

Stand up for equality

Our challenge as Citizens Advice, both nationally and locally, is to be a stronger champion for equality.  We will continue to achieve breakthroughs and improvements in services that our clients need and use their  evidence and stories to contribute constructively to policy-making and debates.

We remain fully committed to stand up and speak up for those who face inequality and disadvantage.

Our commitment

Following on from much excellent work and achievements of Stand up for equality 2012 – 15, we are committed to more effectively involve clients and communities to help empower them and give more authenticity to our work and campaigns.

What we will do

Our Stand up for equality strategy [ 390 kb] sets out how national and local Citizens Advice will be a stronger champion for equality by:

  • Challenging discrimination through advice.
  • Championing equality through research and campaigns.
  • Valuing diversity as an employer and volunteer agency.

We will continue to embed our work in key areas such as discrimination advice, improving access and advice to Deaf/BSL users and our work around gender violence and abuse.  Our extensive consultation in developing Stand up for equality, helped identify three strategic change priorities which we will be taking forward in 2016.  These are:

    • Empowering clients to have more voice and influence
    • Improving public and Citizens Advice services for people with mental health problems
    • Promoting fair treatment of migrant communities and community cohesion

Our new equality strategy video 

Gillian Guy and Steve Whitehead discuss how we can become stronger champions for equality with our new Stand up to equality strategy 

Download the strategy