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Citizens Advice Braintree and South Essex - Witham


Collingwood Road (by Public Hall)




How to get support

Call us

0808 278 7852

Visit our website

Getting in touch by phone

Phone times
Day Time
Monday 9am to 5pm
Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 9am to 8pm
Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 5pm

Visiting us in person

Appointments only

Check if you need to book an appointment

You'll need to contact us to find out about options for visiting the office.

Office times
Day Time
Thursday 10am to 4pm


  • Induction loop
  • Wheelchair toilet
  • Wheelchair accessible

Check other support locations

More information about our service

We offer a phone first service:

Step 1. Phone 0808 278 7852 between 9am and 5pm on Mondays to Fridays to speak to an adviser.
Step 2. You will be given an appointment with us if you need face-to-face assistance. We also offer appointments via video conferencing.

Please note that do not run drop-in sessions. We also have a shortage of advisors and waiting times on calls are likely to be longer. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you can't get in touch with your nearest Citizens Advice

You might be able to talk to an adviser online or through our national phone service. Check other ways you can talk to an adviser.