Preston Citizens Advice


Town Hall Annexe

Birley Street




Sut i gael cefnogaeth

Ffoniwch ni

See below Information about our service

Cysylltwch dros y ffôn

Amseroedd agor y ffôn
Dydd Amser
Dydd Llun 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Mawrth 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Mercher 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Iau 9.15yb i 3.15yh

Ymweld â ni yn bersonol

Gwiriwch a oes angen i chi drefnu apwyntiad

Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â ni i gael gwybod am yr opsiynau ar gyfer ymweld â'r swyddfa.

Amseroedd agor y swyddfa
Dydd Amser
Dydd Llun 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Mawrth 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Mercher 9.15yb i 3.15yh
Dydd Iau 9.15yb i 3.15yh


  • Mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn
  • Toiled cadair olwyn

Chwilio am leoliadau cymorth eraill

Mwy o wybodaeth am ein gwasanaeth

We are able to offer telephone advice appointments and face to face appointments.

Face to face appointments are available at outreach venues within the Preston area including:-

Yorkshire Building Society - 01772 507531 - Please contact them via telephone or call in to the branch to arrange a face to face appointment.

UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) - Drop in session - PLEASE NOTE - this is term time only. Each Wednesday from 11.00 am - 1.00 pm @ Advice and Resolution Centre, Foster Building, UCLAN, Preston. First come first served basis.

You can follow us on X and Facebook @CABPreston to see events we are hosting in the local community.

Clients can self-refer to us with energy enquiries by contacting our Energy Support Service on 07985192280. We ask that clients leave a voicemail message with their name and contact details and type of energy help they need. We will contact the client within 5 working days and arrange a telephone appointment with our energy advisor. Please note that a maximum of 3 fuel vouchers can only be issued by the voucher provider to each client. Any client who is requesting any more than 3 vouchers will most likely be declined any further assistance although this will be at the discretion of the voucher provider.

Os na allwch gysylltu â'ch Cyngor ar Bopeth agosaf

Efallai y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd ar-lein neu drwy ein gwasanaeth ffôn cenedlaethol. Gwiriwch ffyrdd eraill y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd..