The lost decade
Consumer experience of energy billing issues 2005–2015
Average energy prices for consumers have risen, at rates considerably above inflation and growth in household incomes, over the last decade.[1]
As a result, public and political concern about the affordability of energy has also increased.
Head of Retail Energy Markets Gillian Cooper's blog
Discussing the state of energy billing 10 years after the super complaint

The Citizens Advice service’s work on energy ranges from the provision of direct advice to consumers, to longer term policy and advocacy work on a wide range of specific issues.
Any actions on the part of consumers to reduce their energy costs may depend on trust in the sector, and surveys show consistently that levels of trust remain at very low levels.
While lack of trust is a complex issue that requires a response across the industry[2], clarity of bills and reliable billing processes are fundamental building blocks - not least because they represent the central function of energy suppliers, and the main means through which they communicate with their customers.
The lost decade: energywatch super-complaint + 10 - full report 1.21 MB reviews the state of the market ten years after the super-complaint and sets out what steps need to be taken to improve the consumer experience of energy billing.