Furniture and appliances in rented homes

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

If furniture is broken or unusable

If you're renting a home that was let to you as furnished, most landlords have a legal duty to provide furniture that's safe and is capable of being used in the way it was designed. This doesn't apply to landlords of agricultural tenancies, crofting tenancies or mobile homes.

If the furniture isn't usable, for example a bed with broken slats, you have the right to have it repaired or replaced with a usable item. Follow our advice on getting repairs done while renting

If the furniture isn't fire safe

Furniture supplied by a landlord must be fire resistant. The only exception is furniture made before 1950.

Check for a fire safety label on upholstered furniture. It should be on any upholstered furniture, like sofas, sold since 1990. If there's a label, you can be satisfied that the furniture meets the safety regulations. You should still be careful. 

If upholstered furniture doesn't have a label, you can ask for it to be replaced by the landlord.

See If you're worried your home isn't fire safe for more information. 

If appliances are unsafe

A landlord has to ensure that any electrical appliances supplied with the accommodation are safe. This includes heaters, cookers, kettles, and any other electrical goods.

If a landlord wants to be sure that electrical appliances meet the regulations, they can arrange for an electrician to test each appliance and make a detailed report.

If you're a tenant and you're concerned that an electrical appliance is not safe, you can contact your local Citizens Advice bureau or Advice Direct Scotland's consumer service for information on your consumer rights. 

Advice Direct Scotland's Consumer Service 

Freephone: 0808 164 6000


Gas fittings are unsafe

Landlords must ensure that any 'relevant gas fitting', including any flue which serves the fitting, is maintained in a safe condition. 'Relevant gas fitting' includes gas appliances like boilers (except your own appliances) and pipework in the home, and appliances/pipework which serve the home if the landlord owns them or has control over them.

The landlord must arrange and pay for safety checks and any necessary work to be carried out on appliances at least once every 12 months. The safety checks must be carried out by someone who is registered with Gas Safe Register. You can check whether they're registered on the Gas Safe Register website. The landlord must also keep a record of inspection dates, any defects identified and any remedial action taken. The landlord must give a copy of this record to you.

If the landlord doesn't carry out regular inspections of gas appliances or if they refuse to give you a copy of the inspection record, you could contact the local office of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which has a duty to enforce the safety requirements.

There are gas safety Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for tenants on the HSE website. The HSE also operates a Gas Safety Advice Line 0800 300 363.

You don't have carbon monoxide alarms

From 1 October 2013, a carbon monoxide alarm must be fitted when a new or replacement boiler or other heating appliance is installed in a building with bedrooms. This is not only for gas appliances. Solid fuel, oil or gas appliances have the potential to cause carbon monoxide poisoning if they are poorly installed, inadequately maintained or incorrectly used.

A property which is registered as a house in multiple occupation (HMO) must have a carbon monoxide alarm fitted in a room where there is a gas appliance.