You want to run a business from your rented home

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales


If you rented a property to live in but you start to use the whole of the property for business purposes and no longer live there at all, you will lose any security of tenure you had and could be evicted by the landlord

Using part of your home for business

You can legally use part of the house for business purposes as long as:

  • it's not specifically forbidden in your lease, and

  • it doesn't cause a nuisance to neighbours, and

  • the business itself is not illegal, and

  • you're still living in the home. 

You should check your lease document to see what it says about using the home for business. If you're a private tenant, you should also get the landlord’s permission because, even if it's not specifically forbidden in your lease, the landlord may try to evict you if they don't approve. 

If appropriate, inform your neighbours of your plans. For example, if there'll be frequent deliveries to the flat or noise at odd hours. 

Check whether you need permission from the council to carry on a business, for example, planning permission or a special licence. The business use could also lead to part of the house being assessed for business rates.

If you're threatened with eviction because you use your home for business 

If you are a tenant and threatened with eviction because you have used the house for business purposes, you may be able to defend the eviction, depending on what kind of tenancy you have.

It's important to get advice quickly, for example at a Citizens Advice Bureau - see where to get advice.