Letter to complain about a holiday

Your details

These details will appear on your letter.

Put your street, town and postcode on different lines.

If it’s not a UK number, include the country code. If it’s a landline, include your area code.

Holiday company's details

Put the street, town and postcode on different lines.

Is there a specific person you want to write to?

If you selected no, leave this blank.

About the holiday

This might be called a booking number or order number. Check letters or emails from the holiday company or travel agent.

For example ‘4 August 2022 to 11 August 2022’.

For example ‘my partner’ or ‘my wife and children’. If you went on your own, leave this blank.

Your complaint

Include details like names, dates or time frames if you know them. If there’s more than 1 problem, put them on different lines or in a numbered list.

For example ‘14 January 2022’. If you don’t know the exact date, try to be as specific as you can, for example, ‘January 2022’. If you have complained several times, list the dates.

Don’t put a ‘£’ sign - we’ll add this for you.

If the holiday company is a member of the ABTA

If the holiday company is a member of the ABTA (The Travel Association), you can send them a copy of this letter. If they aren’t a member, leave this blank.

Are you sending a copy of the letter to the ABTA? (optional)

If you select an option by mistake, change your selection to 'Not applicable'.

If you want to send evidence with your letter

If you don’t want to send anything, leave this blank.

For example ‘photo evidence’ or ‘a diary of events’. If there’s more than 1, put them on different lines or in a numbered list.