Letter to 'make time of the essence': services

Your details

These details will appear on your letter.

Put your street, town and postcode on different lines.

If it’s not a UK number, include the country code. If it’s a landline, include your area code.

Trader's details

Put the street, town and postcode on different lines.

Is there a specific person you want to write to?

If you selected no, leave this blank.

Details of the work agreed

For example ‘14 January 2022’. Check the contract or agreement if you’re not sure.

For example ‘14 January 2022’. If you didn’t agree a start date, leave this blank.

For example ‘14 January 2022’. If you didn’t agree a finish date, leave this blank.

Are you waiting for the work to be started or finished?

Don’t put a ‘£’ sign - we’ll add this for you. If you haven’t paid an advance or a deposit, leave this blank.