Letter to warn trader about court action for faulty goods

Your details

These details will appear on your letter.

Put your street, town and postcode on different lines.

If it’s not a UK number, include the country code. If it’s a landline, include your area code.

Trader's details

Put the street, town and postcode on different lines.

Is there a specific person you want to write to?

If you selected no, leave this blank.

What you bought

Give as much detail as you can. For example, the make and model.

Don't put a ‘£’ sign - we’ll add this for you.

For example ‘14 January 2022’. If you don’t know the exact date, try to be as specific as you can, for example, ‘January 2022’.

Your complaint

For example ‘14 January 2022’. If you don’t know the exact date, try to be as specific as you can, for example, ‘January 2022’. If you have complained several times, list the dates.

What’s wrong with the goods?

If the trader doesn't belong to a trade association that offers an ADR scheme, leave this blank.