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Preston Citizens Advice


Town Hall Annexe

Birley Street




How to get support

Call us

0808 278 7883

Getting in touch by phone

Phone times
Day Time
Monday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Tuesday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Wednesday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Thursday 9.15am to 3.15pm

Visiting us in person

Check if you need to book an appointment

You'll need to contact us to find out about options for visiting the office.

Office times
Day Time
Monday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Tuesday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Wednesday 9.15am to 3.15pm
Thursday 9.15am to 3.15pm


  • Wheelchair toilet
  • Wheelchair accessible

Check other support locations

More information about our service

Due to COVID restrictions, we able to offer telephone advice via telephone appointments. We can also offer face to face appointments at outreach venues within the Preston area. You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook @CABPreston.
Clients can self-refer to us with energy enquiries by contacting our Energy Support Service on 07985192280. We ask that clients leave a voicemail message with their name and contact details and type of energy help they need. We will contact the client within 5 working days and arrange a telephone appointment with our energy advisor. Please note that a maximum of 3 fuel vouchers can only be issued by the voucher provider to each client. Any client who is requesting any more than 3 vouchers will most likely be declined any further assistance although this will be at the discretion of the voucher provider.

If you can't get in touch with your nearest Citizens Advice

You might be able to talk to an adviser online or through our national phone service. Check other ways you can talk to an adviser.