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356 results found for ex 8am

  • Work out how much compensation you could get for discrimination

    To work out how much you can ask for, you need to consider what a tribunal can order your employer to pay you if you win your discrimination claim. The tribunal can order them to pay compensation for: any money you've lost because of the discrimination - this is called...

  • Asking your employer for changes to help you if you’re disabled

    Your employer might have to make adjustments to help you do your job as well as someone without a disability. The Equality Act 2010 calls these ‘reasonable adjustments’. They can be changes to policies, working practices or physical layouts, or providing extra equipment or support. The adjustments have to be...

  • Check if you can pay less council tax

    You might be able to pay less council tax or not pay it at all depending on your circumstances.  You might be able to get: discounts - for example, for a single person or an empty property Council Tax Reduction (CTR) if you have low income a different reduction if...

  • Making an employment tribunal claim

    You might want to make a claim to an employment tribunal if both the following apply: you've got a problem at work that you can't sort out you think your employer has done something that’s against the law Using early conciliation before you make your claim If you want to...

  • Gathering evidence about discrimination at work

    If you haven’t checked already, find out if your problem is discrimination before you take action. The first thing you need to do is work out what evidence you need to gather to support your case. It’s more likely you’ll get the result you want if you’re well prepared. Get help if...

  • Proving your right to work in the UK

    You’ll need to prove your right to work in the UK if you want to start working.  You might be able to prove your right to work online or by showing your employer certain documents. Any document you show your employer must be: valid - you can’t use a document...

  • Asking for adjustments to help with your disability

    If you rent your home or you’re looking for somewhere to rent, you might have a right to changes that will help you live there with your disability. The Equality Act 2010 calls these changes ‘reasonable adjustments’. Reasonable adjustments can be changes to policies, practices or terms of your agreement. They...

  • Fill in the work capability form: how your conditions affect you

    Fill in the work capability form: how your conditions affect you This advice applies to England. See advice for See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland, See advice for Wales You’ll usually need to fill in an extra form if you get Universal Credit and you can’t work...

  • If you're being harassed or bullied at work

    Harassment is where someone creates an atmosphere that makes you feel uncomfortable - this could be because you feel offended, intimidated or humiliated. If you’re being bullied, your situation might also be harassment under the Equality Act 2010. If it is, you can take action under that law. If the...

  • If you get a ‘section 8’ eviction notice

    If you get a section 8 notice, it's the first step your landlord has to take to make you leave your home. You won't have to leave your home straight away. If your section 8 notice is valid, your landlord will need to go to court to evict you. You...