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551 results found for debt 25s

  • If you're working too many hours

    You might feel you're working too many hours if you're: having mental or physical health problems because of overwork working more than the legal limit of 48 hours a week working more overtime than it says in your contract or more than you think is fair being asked to do...

  • Check if your landlord can increase your rent

    Check if this advice applies to you This advice will usually apply to you if both the following are true: you have a private landlord you started renting on or after 15 January 1989 If you started renting before 15 January 1989, talk to an adviser. Your landlord can't just...

  • Your notice period during redundancy

    If you’re made redundant, your job won’t end straight away - you’ll get a paid notice period. You might get notice pay instead of your notice period - this is called ‘pay in lieu of notice’. Your employer will tell you if they’ll give you pay in lieu of notice....

  • Check your housing status if you rent from a private landlord

    If you rent from a private landlord, your rights depend on the type of rental agreement you have. This includes things like your right to get repairs done, stay in your home and get your deposit back. A rental agreement is sometimes known as a ‘tenancy agreement’. Some rental agreements...

  • Check if you can apply for homeless help

    You can apply to the council to get somewhere to live if you're homeless or you’II become homeless within 8 weeks. If you’re not a British citizen and you’ve been rough sleeping your right to stay in the UK might be affected. If you’re applying to the EU Settlement Scheme...

  • Work out how much compensation you could get for discrimination

    To work out how much you can ask for, you need to consider what a tribunal can order your employer to pay you if you win your discrimination claim. The tribunal can order them to pay compensation for: any money you've lost because of the discrimination - this is called...

  • Asking your employer for changes to help you if you’re disabled

    Your employer might have to make adjustments to help you do your job as well as someone without a disability. The Equality Act 2010 calls these ‘reasonable adjustments’. They can be changes to policies, working practices or physical layouts, or providing extra equipment or support. The adjustments have to be...

  • If you're being harassed or bullied at work

    Harassment is where someone creates an atmosphere that makes you feel uncomfortable - this could be because you feel offended, intimidated or humiliated. If you’re being bullied, your situation might also be harassment under the Equality Act 2010. If it is, you can take action under that law. If the...

  • Gathering evidence about discrimination at work

    If you haven’t checked already, find out if your problem is discrimination before you take action. The first thing you need to do is work out what evidence you need to gather to support your case. It’s more likely you’ll get the result you want if you’re well prepared. Get help if...

  • Check if you can pay less council tax

    You might be able to pay less council tax or not pay it at all depending on your circumstances.  You might be able to get: discounts - for example, for a single person or an empty property Council Tax Reduction (CTR) if you have low income a different reduction if...