233 results found for private tenancy
Ending a private tenancy
Ending a private tenancy If you want to end your private tenancy
If you want to end your private tenancy
Check what steps you need to take to end your tenancy agreement. Check what will happen if you leave without giving notice.
Get advice on renting, council tax, homelessness and problems where you live
Preparing to rent from a private landlord
Find out how to decide whether to rent from a landlord or letting agent, how to search for a property and what questions you should ask before you rent a home
If your landlord didn’t follow deposit rules
Check what you can do if your landlord didn't protect your deposit or give you the right information. Check if you can get compensation
Understanding your tenancy agreement
Check what terms can be in your tenancy agreement. Check documents your landlord needs to give you and what counts as an unfair agreement.
You are taken to court for rent arrears
Information about the procedure a landlord must follow in order to take a tenant to court for rent arrears, special rules for social housing landlords, notice periods, what happens and a court hearing and the type of orders a judge can make
Check the costs of starting to rent from a private landlord
Check what payments you need to make before you start renting. Get help if you can't pay a tenancy deposit or rent in advance.
Check your housing status if you rent from a private landlord
Check what type of tenancy or other housing status you have if you rent from a private landlord. The rules depend on the date your tenancy started.
Check if your landlord has to protect your deposit
Check if your landlord needs to put your tenancy deposit into a deposit protection scheme. Check what you can do if they don’t.