38 results found for bereavement
Bereavement and funeral benefits
Find out about bereavement and funeral benefits. What you can claim depends on your circumstances and what your relationship was to the person who died.
How to claim bereavement benefits
Find out how to claim Bereavement Support Payment. For deaths before April 2017, check if you can get Widowed Parents Allowance.
Parental bereavement pay - what you're entitled to and how to get it
Find out if you're entitled to parental bereavement pay, and how to arrange it with your employer.
Parental bereavement leave - what you're entitled to and how to get it
Your right to take up to 2 weeks off work if your child dies, and how to arrange it with your employer
Parental rights
Information about parental rights. Check your parental rights at work and read information about parental bereavement leave and pay, what you're entitled to.
Check your maternity and parental rights
Check your rights at work as a parent or expecting parent, including leave and pay
Get advice on benefits, including what you're entitled to and how to claim
What to do after a death
Information on registering a death, arranging a funeral, dealing with property and organisations which can provide further help and counselling
If you're sending the form back late
If you're late sending back the form you must still fill it in and send it as soon as you can. If you have a good reason the DWP might decide to accept
Who can inherit if there's no will
Information on who can and cannot inherit if someone dies without making a will. Covers married couples, civil partners, children and other relatives