75 results found for student
Student loans
Information about student loans and Career Development Loan, who can apply, how to apply and sources of further information.
Student housing - standards in halls
Explains the codes of standards that universities must follow, when providing halls of residence for students. Covers repairs and maintenance, fire, electrical and gas safety, security, managing tenancy/licence agreements and how to make a complaint.
Student housing - living in halls
Explains the housing status of students living in halls of residence provided by their university. Also covers rent, deposits, administration fees, bills and council tax.
Student housing - your behaviour in halls
Explains how students can be sanctioned if they misbehave or have rent arrears when living in university halls of residence. Sanctions can include withholding qualifications, preventing students progressing in their course and eviction.
Student housing - rights and responsibilities in halls
Explains the rights and responsibilities of students living in university halls of residence. Covers standards of repairs and safety they can expect, reporting repairs, paying rent, harassment, notice and eviction.
Paying council tax if you’re a student
Check if you have to pay council tax as a student. Check what the rules are if you're taking time off from your course.
Student housing - ending your agreement in halls
Explains the rules about ending your tenancy or licence agreement when living in university halls of residence. Covers fixed term and periodic agreements, leaving before the agreement ends and getting your deposit back
University accommodation
University accommodation Student housing - living in halls Student housing - rights and responsibilities in halls Student housing - standards in halls Student housing - your behaviour in halls Student housing - ending your agreement in halls
Get advice on renting, council tax, homelessness and problems where you live
What counts as disability discrimination
Find out more about disability discrimination in employment, access to goods and services, education, public transport