230 results found for civil dispute
Making a small claim
Find out what to do before you start a small claim, how to start one and what it involves
Taking legal action for housing discrimination
How to deal with your discrimination problem in court, including which forms to fill in and what happens in court
Letter to warn trader about court action for faulty goods
Use this letter template to warn a trader that you're thinking of taking court action to sort out a problem with faulty goods
Taking action about discrimination in health and care services
Check how to complain about discrimination by health and care services - including taking them to court
Making a will
Information about making a will and how to change or end a will. How to protect your will against being challenged
Problems with goods - letter before court action
Letter to send as a last attempt to ask a trader to sort out a problem before you take court action
Deciding whether to make a small claim
Find out what you should consider before starting a small claim and when you can make one
Get advice on family, looking after people and when a relationship ends
Deciding what to do when you separate
What you need to do when you separate from your partner including how to reach an agreement about your children and money, belongings and the family home
How to separate
Get help with separating from your partner. Deciding what to do when you separate, using mediation to help and ways to end your marriage or civil partnership.