174 results found for discrimination
Get help with discrimination at work
Where to get help if you're being discriminated against by your employer, a company you used to work for or one you applied for a job
Check if you've experienced discrimination
Check what protected characteristics and settings are covered by the Equality Act 2010
Your options if it's not discrimination
Help if it's not discrimination. Get information about your rights if you're dismissed from work and if you're treated badly after using your employment rights.
Disability discrimination and energy suppliers
Check if your energy supplier has discriminated against you if you’re disabled and what reasonable adjustments they should make so you can use their services
Gathering evidence about housing discrimination
Get the facts and evidence to help you take action about discrimination in housing.
Taking legal action for housing discrimination
How to deal with your discrimination problem in court, including which forms to fill in and what happens in court.
Get help with a housing discrimination problem
Where to get help if you're being discriminated against by your landlord, a letting agent or someone else involved in your housing
Taking action about discrimination at work
Tell your employer about discrimination at work, make a formal complaint or go to an employment tribunal.
Discrimination at work because of pregnancy or maternity
Check if you've been discriminated against because you're pregnant, had a pregnancy-related illness or took maternity leave. Check if it counts as pregnancy and maternity discrimination under the Equality Act.
Gathering evidence about discrimination at work
Get the facts and evidence to help you take action about discrimination at work.