If you've been flooded but don't have insurance

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

If you've been flooded but don't have insurance, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau. They can help you apply for financial assistance and check you're getting the benefits you're entitled to.

There are several sources of help available if you've been flooded and don't have home insurance.

Dedicated hardship funds

In the past, the Scottish government has set up dedicated hardship funds to help people affected by severe flooding in Scotland. If new funds are set up in the future, they're likely to be highlighted on local media or the Scottish government website.

You should apply to any hardship funds as soon as they're made public. For information about hardship funds or help applying, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Crisis grants - if you're on a low income

The Scottish Welfare Fund is a national scheme that supports people who have experienced a crisis such as an emergency or a disaster and need help with unexpected living expenses.

Serious flooding is considered a disaster for the purposes of the fund.

You might get:

  • a grant to cover food, essential heating costs, nappies and toiletries, travel costs, removal expenses, connection charges for gas and electricity and/or accommodation in a hostel

  • furniture and household equipment.

If you get a crisis grant, you do not have to pay it back.

Crisis grants are administered by local councils. They are means tested, so you're unlikely to be eligible if you have capital or savings you could use to pay for the things you need. However, local councils have discretion to award grants.

Read more about Scottish Welfare Fund crisis grants.

How to apply for a crisis grant

Each local council has its own application form. You can find out how to apply for a crisis grant through your local council on mygov.scot.

If you need help applying for a crisis grant, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If you've applied for a crisis grant but have been refused, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau. You might be eligible for emergency food from a local foodbank.

Finding temporary accommodation - if you can't stay in your home

If you're made homeless because of flooding to your property and you're a tenant, you should ask your landlord if they can provide you with alternative accommodation until you can move back into your own home.

If this is not possible, or if you're a homeowner, you might be able to make an application to your local council housing department as a homeless person.

Read more about what to do if you're homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Making a homelessness application can be a complicated process. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for help.

Foodbanks - if you need food and essentials

Depending on your circumstances, you might be able to get food and other essential household items from a local foodbank. Your local Citizens Advice Bureau will have details of foodbanks in your area.

Read more about foodbanks and other crisis help.