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Gwynedd Citizens Advice (Caernarfon)


Siambr Buddug / Victoria Chambers

Glan Môr Ucha / Crown Street



LL55 1SY

How to get support

Call us

0808 27 87 922 / 01286 424922

Visit our website

Visiting us in person


Check if you need to book an appointment

You'll need to contact us to find out about options for visiting the office.

Office times
Day Time
Monday 10am to 3pm
Tuesday 10am to 3pm
Wednesday 10am to 3pm
Thursday 10am to 3pm
Friday 10am to 3pm


  • Wheelchair toilet
  • Internal handrails
  • External handrails
  • Wheelchair accessible

More information about our service

Initial access to our advice service is usually by phoning 0808 27 87 922 or submitting a web form:

If you can't get in touch with your nearest Citizens Advice

You might be able to talk to an adviser online or through our national phone service. Check other ways you can talk to an adviser.