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Wiltshire Citizens Advice - Salisbury


Salisbury Library

Market Walk




How to get support

Call us

0808 278 7995

Visit our website

Getting in touch by phone

Phone times
Day Time
Monday 9am to 4pm
Tuesday 9am to 4pm
Wednesday 9am to 4pm
Thursday 9am to 4pm
Friday 9am to 4pm

Visiting us in person

We are not running a drop-in service, so please ring us, or email us first. This way we can assess the best way of helping you, including booking an appointment where needed.

Check if you need to book an appointment

You'll need to contact us to find out about options for visiting the office.


  • Wheelchair toilet
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Induction loop

More information about our service

For advice by email please use the form on the 'Contact us' page on our website:

We’re currently providing advice over the phone, by email and web chat, while reserving our face to face support for when it's most needed. However, we are not running a drop-in service, so please ring us, or email us first. This way we can assess the best way of helping you, including booking an appointment where needed. Please see above for our contact details.

We will be moving from Wiltshire Council Bourne Hill Offices at the end of March 2023.
From 17 April 2023 we will be based at Salisbury Library, Market Walk, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1BL.

If you can't get in touch with your nearest Citizens Advice

You might be able to talk to an adviser online or through our national phone service. Check other ways you can talk to an adviser.