140 results found for energy
Your energy supply
Get advice if you're having problems with your gas or electricity supply
Save energy at home
Information about saving energy at home. Get help on how to make your home more energy efficient, saving money heating your home and more.
Complain to the Energy Ombudsman
When and how to complain to the Energy Ombudsman when you have a dispute with your energy supplier.
Your energy meter
Overview and content list for your energy meter. Get help reading your meter, checking it's working correctly, getting a meter installed and more.
Your business's energy supply
Get help with your small business's energy supply. Information about dealing with your bills, switching your supplier and what to do when you move premises.
Problems with your energy supply
Get help with issues relating to your energy supply, such as information about power cuts, if your supplier has gone bust and claiming compensation.
Switch energy supplier or tariff
Check how to switch your energy supplier or tariff to try and save money on your gas or electricity bill. Check your new tariff will work with your current meter.
Letter to complain to an energy supplier
Use this template letter to complain to your energy supplier - fill it in, download it and sent it
Disability discrimination and energy suppliers
Check if your energy supplier has discriminated against you if you’re disabled and what reasonable adjustments they should make so you can use their services.
Choosing your energy tariff
Choosing the right energy tariff for your needs, including special tariffs for different energy meters and systems.