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If you're sending the form back late

This advice applies to Scotland

This question is on page 3 of the form - see what it looks like 

ESA50 page 3

You have to send your form back within 28 days of getting it. You can find the date you need to return it by on the letter that came with the form. 

If you don’t, the DWP will usually decide you’re fit for work and will stop your claim.

If you’re late sending back the form you must still fill it in and send it as soon as you can. If you have a good reason for the form being late, the DWP might decide to accept it.

Tell the DWP why you’re late

Fill in the box and explain why you’re sending the form back late. Include as much detail as you can about why the form’s late, for example if:

  • you’ve been in hospital
  • you had an emergency at home
  • you had a bereavement

Next steps

Medical evidence

Back to Help filling in your ESA form

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